Senator Coons, Young introduce bipartisan legislation to create new AmeriCorps program aimed at reducing polarization

Senator Coons, Young introduce bipartisan legislation to create new AmeriCorps program aimed at reducing polarization

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) introduced bipartisan legislation, the Building Civic Bridges Act, to establish a pilot program through AmeriCorps that would empower local communities to address contentious civic issues and reduce polarization at the local level. The House companion bill was introduced by Representatives Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.) and Andy Barr (R-Ky.)

“Our nation is more polarized than ever, and rebuilding public trust in our country starts with finding ways to address that issue,” said Senator Coons. “This bill will play a crucial role in strengthening civics locally and providing local communities with the resources needed to promote civic engagement. I am grateful to Representatives Kilmer and Barr for spearheading this bipartisan effort with us.”

“Amid growing polarization, civic engagement and debate are essential to maintaining the American spirit,” said Senator Young. “Our bipartisan bill will help bring Americans together to engage respectfully and constructively, promoting positive conversation and greater unity across the nation.”

“In our neck of the woods, we’ve seen inspiring efforts to counter increased division,” said Representative Kilmer. “After a series of horrific attacks – including assault, vandalism, and arson – against faith-based institutions in our region, we saw an interfaith group rise up to try to foster community understanding and build community cohesion. In response to conflict at a local YMCA, we saw a group of leaders work to bring in some conflict resolution capacity and work to sponsor community events to build understanding across differences. In both cases, we saw inspiring local examples of folks in our region trying to advance civic bridgebuilding. In both cases, when they asked if there were resources available from the federal government to support such work, the answer was, ‘Not really. At least, not currently.’ That could change if this bill becomes law. Instead of accepting toxic polarization as the new normal, many community, faith, and civic leaders are leading efforts to foster dialogue, defuse and address sources of conflict, and bridge differences. The bipartisan Building Civic Bridges Act would lend some support to these civic bridgebuilding efforts.”

“Our nation was founded on civic engagement and rigorous debate to achieve the ultimate good,” said Representative Barr. “I am proud to join Representative Derek Kilmer and Senators Chris Coons and Todd Young in introducing this legislation to provide resources to revitalize our civic culture and bring our country together.”

“The Building Civic Bridges Act invites us to truly engage with one another as fellow Americans,” said Eboo Patel, Founder and President, Interfaith America. “This is a time to build bridges, not barriers. By empowering local leaders to expand trust and deepen relationships within our communities, we can focus on that which unites us, rather than the issues that pull us apart. I commend the co-sponsors for the moral imagination behind this bill and welcome the opportunity to ensure that local bridge building efforts flourish in our country.”

Read the full press release here

Senator Chris Coons
About Senator Chris Coons
Father, husband, U.S. Senator from Delaware
Senator Coons, Young introduce bipartisan legislation to create new AmeriCorps program aimed at reducing polarization
Senator Coons, Young introduce bipartisan legislation to create new AmeriCorps program aimed at reducing polarization
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