Service Year Alliance's statement on the Senate’s FY18 Appropriations budgets for AmeriCorps, Peace Corps & YouthBuild
Service Year Alliance released the following statement today in response to the markup of the FY18 budget by the Senate Labor-Health and Human Services and State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations subcommittees:
“We are relieved to see the Senate reject President Trump’s FY18 budget proposal and provide level funding for national service programs like AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps, and YouthBuild,” said Shirley Sagawa, CEO of Service Year Alliance. “Thanks to the bipartisan support from members of Congress, the 80,000 young people who are in Texas responding to Hurricane Harvey, in West Virginia battling the opioid crisis, in Montana and California fighting wildfires, and all across the country will be able to continue serving these communities in need. This is a critical step towards our goal of universal national service.”
Read moreGood News from Capitol Hill on National Service
We have some good news from Capitol Hill:
Yesterday afternoon, the subcommittee in the House that oversees funding for national service programs like AmeriCorps and YouthBuild voted to approve their draft budget for 2018. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, the committee's draft budget rejects President Trump’s proposal to eliminate AmeriCorps, and fully funds both AmeriCorps and YouthBuild at their FY17 levels.
On behalf of the entire service year community: Thank you.
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