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For many of us, summer days are spent staring out the window (if you have one) and wondering what you're missing stuck behind your cubicle desk. Well, for many service year corps members, their summers are spent tackling real issues — sometimes outdoors, sometimes indoors with cool people — but always making an impact. So, with that in mind, here are just five ways that a service year is better than your desk job.
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5. Some service year corps members get to work outside and enjoy the beautiful weather — all while getting paid. From rebuilding communities after natural disasters to maintaining our trails and national parks, service year corps members get to enjoy the great outdoors.
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4. You build real professional and leadership skills…
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On a survey at the conclusion of their service year, more than three-quarters of AmeriCorps members felt they gained an understanding of how to tackle the challenges faced by communities where they served and they believed that their service year with AmeriCorps would improve their performance at a future job.
3. And you meet awesome people from diverse backgrounds along the way.
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A service year has the power to unite the most diverse nation in history, binding people of different backgrounds through common cause and deepening their connection to each other and to our communities.
2. Revitalizing communities, fighting poverty, and responding to natural disasters during a service year is hard work…
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...but it’s never boring.
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1. And finally, you make a huge impact in the communities you serve!
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Young Americans engaging in service years can repair broken cities, uplift and educate children at risk, and empower communities struggling with poverty in the U.S. and around the world.
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