Service Year Alliance Released the Following Statement Applauding the Launch of More Perfect’s National Service & Volunteering Plan:
“We are excited to see the launch of More Perfect’s Ask and All: A Plan to Expand National Service & Volunteering and are proud to be partnering on this effort with the top leaders in the national service, volunteering, and bridge-building community. This bold plan represents collaboration among the brightest minds in our sector and outlines a roadmap to renew and expand national service and volunteering to build bridges across politics, backgrounds, faiths, races, and regions of the country and enable more Americans to tackle public problems together.
At Service Year Alliance, we envision a future where a year of paid, full-time service — a service year — is part of growing up in America. We work tirelessly to ensure that a year of service is a common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans — no matter their background. At a time in history where our nation is so dangerously divided, these ambitious goals and shared commitment is critical to the success of this movement. Spending a year in national service develops empathetic civic leaders, builds skills for success in a changing economy, and offers solutions for creating more resilient and sustainable communities — and this plan outlines our shared commitment to making service an opportunity for all.
We are grateful for More Perfect’s initiative in bringing our ten organizations together and highlighting our work to advance More Perfect’s Democracy Goal 2: Expanding National Service and Volunteering. We are eager to work alongside our partners to bring this vision to life.”