The Service Year Alliance is proud to announce the creation of its ServiceYearEDU Network. We are committed to building strong and mutually beneficial partnerships with colleges, universities, and higher education associations and coalitions. We also seek to recognize and support the critical role they play as we work together to make a year of service a common opportunity and expectation for all young people.
The network consists of institutions and associations across the country embracing the Service Year model by taking one of the following concrete actions:
Providing deferrals for admitted students also admitted to a service year program;
Hosting a service year program at their institution;
Recognizing service experience in enrollment management processes through special scholarships or admissions preferences
- Educating students about the opportunity to do a service year through career services by linking to the Service Year Exchange and providing programming featuring service year organizations and alumni;
- Providing academic credit for the experiential learning that takes places during a service year;
- Promoting Service Year engagement opportunities to their members (associations only)
Click here to view Current Service Year EDU Members
Institutions and associations in the network are recognized on our website and have access to the Service Year EDU online learning community. Innovative ideas from the network will be regularly featured through Service Year Alliance events and on our blog. There is no cost to join.