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9:00AM - Networking Breakfast
9:30AM - Welcome & Overview
- Lashon Amado, Founder and CEO, Mas Um Chance (YouthBuild Alumni)
- Maisha Leek, Service Year Alliance Board Member
- Daniel Pitasky, Executive Director, Schultz Family Foundation
- Shirley Sagawa, CEO, Service Year Alliance
10:00AM - Breakfast Plenary - Untapped Talent: Building Tomorrow’s Economy
Our opening session will explore how the nation’s 4.6 million opportunity youth present an untapped talent resource for employers. Panelists will discuss the importance of national service and how companies are contributing to the success of opportunity youth through skill and career development.
- Moderator: Linda Rodriguez, Executive Director, Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan
- Ivan Douglas, Program Manager, Leading Men Fellowship
- Mike Knapp, CEO and Co-Founder, SkillSmart
- Joylin Kirk, Director of Public Sector Partnerships, Burning Glass Technologies
10:45 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Emerging Adulthood and the Role of National Service Programs
This panel will explore the ways that early years of adulthood should prepare young people for future employment through a developmental lens and the role that national service can play in reducing the opportunity gap. Program leaders and experts will describe their programs and the innovative ways that they are engaging Opportunity Youth, and preparing and connecting them to employment opportunities.
- David Abromowitz, Chief Public Policy Officer, YouthBuild
- Julia Hillengas, Director of Strategic Innovation, PowerCorpsPHL
- Merita Irby, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, Forum for Youth Investment
- Jenise Terrell, Vice President, Public Allies
- Moderator: John Bridgeland, Service Year Alliance, Vice Chair
12:30 PM Lunch Plenary- Service Stories
Discussion moderated by Dorothy Stoneman with Youth Leaders reflecting on the Summit’s themes and sharing their service stories.
- Shaquana Boykin, Public Allies Alumi
- Timothy Gunn, AmeriCorps Alumi
- Brandon Menjares, YouthBuild Alumi
- Amanda Young, VISTA Alumi
- Moderator: Dorothy Stoneman, founder and former CEO of YouthBuild USA
1:30 PM - Break
1:50PM - Let’s Talk! Discussion Groups
Connecting opportunity youth to education and employment pathways requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Discussion groups will explore the unique assets and challenges of their subgroup and collaborate to identify how national service can be deployed to better serve these young people.
3:30PM - Closing Remarks
Candice Jones, President and CEO, Public Welfare Foundation