Service years are an effective workforce development tool that create talent pipelines for the next generation into in-demand sectors. 

Service years play an important role in the country’s workforce development ecosystem, offering training and career on-ramps in high need industries for emerging and transitioning professionals. Particularly given significant hiring needs in public service, health, education, climate resilience, and clean energy, service years are well-suited to serve as an entrypoint for young people into these professions. By committing to a year of service, corps members commonly:

  • gain substantial exposure to an area of work or career path before having to fully commit to it;
  • build the technical skills necessary to complete the job; 
  • establish the employability skills that develop future leaders and make them valuable employees;
  • receive valuable training, certifications, and wrap around supports. 

Additionally, research shows that those who participate in service year programs without a bachelor’s degree are more than twice as likely to go on to earn their degree compared to their peers. Service year alums also begin their careers in higher-paying roles than their peers in a variety of fields. 

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