Why Education and Service Years Go Hand-in-Hand


Currently, more than 44,000 national service corps members provide in-school and afterschool support, serving in almost 12,000 schools, including one out of every four low-performing schools and one out of every ten charter schools. (Source: National Service Strengthens Education,” Corporation for National and Community Service). An under-recognized source of energetic, committed human capital support for youth, service year corps members help communities implement locally determined, cost-effective, evidence-based solutions to improve student outcomes. If this resource were more widely available to low-income communities, we could dramatically reduce educational disparities that leave too many students without the educational foundation they need for success in life. Service year programs provide school leaders with an additional resource and solution in meeting the significant challenges they now face. When you ask yourself, “What is your district’s most urgent challenge when it comes to students?” we hope that you come to see service years as part of that solution.

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