Using for Recruitment

Our team will support you every step of the way when you’re recruiting on Here are a couple of ways to make sure you’re taking advantage of everything we have to offer.

 Follow up with candidates:

Candidates can discover your listings by searching, and through suggested matches based on their preferences. If they think your opportunity looks like a good fit, they can click the “I’m Interested” button on the listing, which will send you a notification and also provide them with a link to your offsite application. When someone takes this step, you’ll receive a notification, and they’ll be added to your “Candidates” tab. Below are some actions you can take with your candidates:

  • View candidate profiles: A candidate’s profile will give you insight into why they want to serve, their interests, availability, and qualifications. This can help you determine if they would be a good fit to go through your application process.

  • Encourage candidates that look like a good fit to apply or interview: Your listing will automatically link a candidate to your offsite application, but you can also follow up to encourage them to apply or take appropriate next steps. If someone has taken the time to express interest but hasn’t applied, send a personalized note to encourage them to take action. 


  • Add notes: You can add notes to a candidate, either for your own tracking, or to leave for other team members who will be helping you to review candidates.

  • Remove candidates: If there is anyone in your “Candidates” tab that you are not planning to advance in your application process or accept into your corps, you can decline them to remove them from your dashboard. This will help ensure that you are only viewing active candidates.

  • Enroll candidates: If you’ve accepted someone, you can enroll them in the position. This will flag them as matched on their public profiles, and make them eligible to apply for any potential benefits that Service Year Alliance is able to offer.

Discover new leads

You don’t need to wait for candidates to come to you to begin recruiting on You can take the following actions to connect with potential candidates:

  • Search for candidates: Just as candidates can search for you, you can do an active search of everyone who is looking for opportunities . Go to, and filter your search based on location, focus area of interest, and other areas. You can also filter based on prospective candidates who have joined most recently. Just as with candidates, you can learn more about their background and qualifications by viewing their profiles.

  • Recommend your listings: If you see someone who looks like a good fit to apply, click the “Recommend a listing” button on your profile. This will send them a notification to check out your listing, and click “I’m Interested” if they want to apply.

  • Follow up on your recommendations: If you send a recommendation and haven’t heard back or seen them start an application, it might make sense to send a personalized follow up. 


  • Saving Leads: Regardless of whether you are recruiting, you can always save the profile of a prospective corps member to reach out to later. Click the “Save to Leads” tab, which will add them to the “Leads” tab on the Corps Member section of your dashboard. You can follow up and recommend your listing at any time when you’re actively recruiting, and they’ll move over to the “Candidates” tab if they express interest.
  • Add internal notes: Just as you can add notes to candidates, you can also add notes about leads. This might be helpful if you want to follow up with another team member before recommending your listing.


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