Step 1: Join and become certified
To use for recruitment, you first need to have one or more positions certified. The basic steps you’ll need to complete are to:
Create a personal account and enroll your organization
Add your organization profile and one or more positions that outline your program model for hosting corps members.
Submit your positions for certification
All AmeriCorps positions are eligible for certification, as are positions that are deemed to meet our certification criteria. If you have any questions relating to eligibility, please email us at [email protected].
Step 2: Add recruitment listings
Once you have a certified position, you can add one or more listings to begin recruiting. Some examples of how you might set up your listings include:
Single listing: This can be a great option if you are recruiting for one local position, or if you have one person managing recruitment at multiple sites. A listing can have multiple locations included, if needed.
Regional listings: Consider setting up your listings based on different cities, states, or regions. This might be a good option if you have locations with different start/end dates, recruitment windows, and/or have separate points of contact who will be following up with candidates.
Site placement listings: If your program model utilizes site placements, you can also set up your listings to provide more details about sites. Listings can include unique names and descriptions, and you can assign points of contact from the placement sites if they will be leading their own recruitment.
Let our team know if you have questions or want to talk through the best way to set up your recruitment listings.
Step 3: Enhance your listings
Once you have created listings, here’s a quick guide to making sure they are looking their best.
First, make it easy to find your listing. Check that:
Your recruitment window is accurate and up to date
You have included all of the locations where corps members can serve
You have indicated the minimum education requirements for the role
Sell your opportunity
Think of this as your sales pitch to convince someone that this opportunity is the one where they can imagine themselves having an impactful service year. Along with giving a brief overview of the role, highlight what type of person would be passionate about serving with you. Don’t just list out the service activities, start dates, and qualifications in your listing description.
Less is more in your listing description
A strong listing description should get to the point. Your description does not need to be longer than one to two paragraphs. Don’t waste space (or an candidate’s time) including information that already exists elsewhere in your listing or profile.
Make sure candidates know how to apply
A candidate should know their next steps to take once they click “I’m Interested.” If you have an application, include it in the appropriate field so that interested candidates can start applying right away. If you don’t have an off-site application, add a brief sentence at the end of your listing description that lets candidates know how they can apply.
Section 2. Using for Recruitment>>